Thank you, thank you thank you
For good things I do not see
Thank you, thank you thank you
For balance in the land and sea
We are all intertwined
In something quite divine
Some answers hard to find
For mankind, by design
Thank you, thank you thank you
For creatures in the world with me
Thank you, thank you thank you
For clean water, plants and trees
The threads of life I weave
Thoughts actions and beliefs
So much can be achieved
Society, ecology
That I can learn to change
Effect my small domain
New goals I can attain
Rearrange, be humane
Thank you, thank you thank you
For showing me ways to see
Thank you, thank you thank you
For giving life beautifully
I'm humbled by the grace
Of life's adapting face
And learning to embrace
My worldly place, in this space
Thank you, thank you thank you
For the good things I do not see
Thank you, thank you thank you
For a universe that includes me
Thank you, thank you thank you
Thank you, thank you thank you
Thank you
(c) Kathryn Jean Alexander April 6th, 2012
When I walk in the mountains, and I see the beauty everywhere, the rocks, the flowers, the sky, and the forest, the quiet alpine pools, I too feel thankful. I don't know exactly whom I should thank, but the gratitude is strong.